Salut Paris02

Peripherique in Movement




Paris, France


Sunay Altıntepe, Cem Özbaşaran, Gizem Kadıoğlu, Elif Parmaksız


Urban Development

Competition Link – Honorable Mention


Revitalization of the abandoned voids of the “Petit Ceinture” of Paris and opening it to public use with an adaptable and sustainable design of the void space, with the implementation of construction scaffoldings as design elements, superposed on a grid system of modularity. Urban voids created by the abandoned railways induce a network of connectivity which should be re-designed and be opened to the city and its users, with a certain level of flexibility and attainability.

Primary analysis on the network of Petit Ceinture shows the potential of these spaces and how important it is to maintain the naturality of these voids with minimized interventions. In this regard, to contradict against today’s mass production and consumption-centered mentality, the project aims to “re-invent” an existing construction element, the scaffoldings, and to convert it into a possible design element to reduce the cost and natural impact, whilst increasing the design flexibility, modular usage and ease of access. The architectural functions proposed in the project feature open air cinema, public library, flea market, aquaponics station, bar, urban farming, leisure and service areas, circled by green areas and interconnected through different connection paths.

These functions can vary between the floors as well, given the fact that the expansions can also be in vertical and being able to connect different levels of the cityscape. The easy assembly responds to this need of adaptability and is the main theoretical approach for the choice of modular but light structures that are able to create space of activities with the choice and direction of its users.

Peripherique in Movement_A
Urban Intervention
Site Plan
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Site Section
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